Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Research Scholarship

An corpo-academic Scholarship on nation interest issues on:
Forgotten truth
Secret on lands
Spirituality in Bengal
Business prospects in regions
Regional influence
Cultural diversity
Prograssive trends

A scholarship can take place between country sharing same interest

In bilateral or multi Party scholarship
Student will be finance from govt corporate institutions from each

For study they will be in total mixing in faith religion customs rituals livings to understand properly the knowledge the seeking

And even flat rentee or owner can come to sharing the scholarship and either being benefited or charity as sublet or deep as family member.

Ask your self

Ask to your self:
Did prophets visits or avoid Bengals? Why?
Did prophet Musa visit Bengal?
Did prophet Isa visit Bengal?
Did prophet Shish used to come Bengal for cave meditation?
Where Did prophet Usha born?
Did prophet Muhammad visited Bengal?
Is Bengal is the place of ultimate knowledge attainments?
Did religion of Aryan and mons and bons chose Bengal of their thoughts feeder?
Did mother of prophet Muhammad visited Bengal?
Did Father of prophet Muhammad spent is life part in Spain and have friend there and around the madeterian cities specialy Rome.?
Is Bengal is place of holly steps and spiritual transmissional locker for succesivers?
Did Confucius visited Bengal?
Did Guru Nanak visited Bengal?
Did Pagans, king scholastic religion and creeds of far east sends their representative?
Did Chandra Gupta born in Rome ?
Did he conquered cities after cities until Bengal?
Did his for father from Bengal?
 Did prophet Muhammad stayed Bengal and surrounding with sindh and close to Penang at river dalyu?
Was the prophet danuyub any s home town in Dhaka before she move to UK and then come to Arab?
Who send afran taki for kill Hazrat Shish (as)  fro kuwet and why?
Is Wahabya a variant of kaderyyah?
Is both Bengal and Arab shake by kaderyyah?
Is Clive born in Bacca later chakka and then Dhaka?
Did English people settled secretly by local fake religious around chandrapur?
Did Musa climb at his hill for
Did military land navy army air preserved ancient building blocks in cantonment Dhaka?

To be continued ....

Who is not Muslim

The Prophet of islam the final and last prophet for all human to the end is Muhammad ibn Abdullah wal Amina
Any claim of prophethood from Islam is regard as crime and considered the Enimay of Allah.
Such people is named by prophet as Dajjal (Dajjal Nabi).
The prophet didn't give any successors chain with mandate to be in search of such claims.
But truth is as prophet prophesized on fake claim of prophetic mission and on his designation or behalf of any of his designations or from his ummah.
Prophet also mansions there number to the last end of earth.
The are not belongs to Muslim in any sort who follows such personality. Thus:

-Qadiany ie followers of Mirza Gulam Ahmad
  In name of Ahmadya or Ahmadya Muslim or Ahmadya Muslim     Jamat

-Babi  ie followers of Mirza Ali Muhammad Shirazi
-Bahai ie followers og Mírzá Ḥusayn-`Alí Núrí

And a doubtfull :
- Shaykhya (misleeding technic of identify Mahdi and Massih) ie     followers of Shaykh Ahmad , Sayyid Kazim Rashti, Mulla Husayn.
- Wahabism ( connections to nazarath isayes, Comforter Ahmad seek, doubtfully attempts in later Muhammad ibn Abdullah Swt, Grand fathers of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab, Muhammad Al Saud Highness, claims of paraclitis prophethood by secret movements, and Qurba relations to mirdhagans claim of Akhiri Nabi after Muhammad ibn Abdulla, After quarter centuries.
His claim that time is running on so who will stop concourent narural rise of prophethood truly in Muhammad's so there will some one who will give most good news of Akhiri no one later as Prophet as well khatam , coz katham in sense of having khatam in spiritual developments, another link, Sindhi Muhammad's attempt to Adhgar Al Muhammad who is Qurba of Bab and Golan Ahmad Qadiyan, later one is advised to holds Ahmad and leave Akhiri. Similar fashions to bab taking Paraclitis In farse with rasian influence and British influence to Golam Ahmad of Qadiyan.
The final link with conspiracy with British Royals and Pope of Roman catholic by accepting latter's from Saud royal with support with Al  wahabs spirits and assurance of cooperations,
Zion conspiracy for Israel and their hidden sect in Ottoman the proclaimed prophetic missah of Sabbatan Zavi and followers Jews as under covered by Muslim identity as Donmeh and their connections together with Jews conspirator in palastain to Wahabi and Royal Sauds upholds a an important matters of cleansing of Prophet Muhammad's memories that seems a tendency of his work whether gradually fading or limiting not that on traditional memory on Abraham, an plot seems a new Prophetic attempts jointly by Qadiani, Saudi Royals, together with a new movement prior to any prophetic claim. See comments).


N.B Don't curse on personality.
N.B Muhammad ibn Abdul wahab later visit Basra for further knowledge and get purified out of this claims.
N.B. Wahabism doesn't includes doubtful as Salafi, Jahiri, Ahle Hadid.
N.B. Further to In Wahabism and Qadiyani from mirdhagans kitman of secrecy such a that your own soul existence doesn't knoe , what that they indicating, what is that? What such extreme secrecy.

Bengals behaviors towards hadith

In Hanafy Islam specialy in Bengal,
A General acceptance of all hadith books that announced As so by Muhaddis and Faqihs from now on is to learn and understand the collection of prophets saying and all the practices supported by the prophet or not in objection among his companions regardless of their status of iman geo locations , culture, weather,tribal issues and etc. It is the book that comes as knowledge cultivated along the chain of successions of muhaddis and shayeks and Book is nothing that the Muhaddis fluently spoke out to the learners. Its an understanding of religion rather bring it to practice unless otherwise prescribe as fiqah by mustahid of madhab, thus following the istihad of imam who goes through hadith as hadith of Quran.
So in Bengal Muslim found not introduced of Sahih mouju has an or so instead hadith of Books as generally learning for khutba dawat nasihat moktab tadbir hidayat
And amal only to what imams give istihad or practiced, and seen atleast a practice of hadith for soab from the books besides the acts of walis or practice of them on their marfu.
And the technic of understanding of hadith seen strangely realistic in accordance to the teaching of Quran and experts on it and the stories of walis that beholds some hadith that goes far to understand religion as hadith of their traditions of sayings. ( Hadith like).