Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Who is not Muslim

The Prophet of islam the final and last prophet for all human to the end is Muhammad ibn Abdullah wal Amina
Any claim of prophethood from Islam is regard as crime and considered the Enimay of Allah.
Such people is named by prophet as Dajjal (Dajjal Nabi).
The prophet didn't give any successors chain with mandate to be in search of such claims.
But truth is as prophet prophesized on fake claim of prophetic mission and on his designation or behalf of any of his designations or from his ummah.
Prophet also mansions there number to the last end of earth.
The are not belongs to Muslim in any sort who follows such personality. Thus:

-Qadiany ie followers of Mirza Gulam Ahmad
  In name of Ahmadya or Ahmadya Muslim or Ahmadya Muslim     Jamat

-Babi  ie followers of Mirza Ali Muhammad Shirazi
-Bahai ie followers og Mírzá Ḥusayn-`Alí Núrí

And a doubtfull :
- Shaykhya (misleeding technic of identify Mahdi and Massih) ie     followers of Shaykh Ahmad , Sayyid Kazim Rashti, Mulla Husayn.
- Wahabism ( connections to nazarath isayes, Comforter Ahmad seek, doubtfully attempts in later Muhammad ibn Abdullah Swt, Grand fathers of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab, Muhammad Al Saud Highness, claims of paraclitis prophethood by secret movements, and Qurba relations to mirdhagans claim of Akhiri Nabi after Muhammad ibn Abdulla, After quarter centuries.
His claim that time is running on so who will stop concourent narural rise of prophethood truly in Muhammad's so there will some one who will give most good news of Akhiri no one later as Prophet as well khatam , coz katham in sense of having khatam in spiritual developments, another link, Sindhi Muhammad's attempt to Adhgar Al Muhammad who is Qurba of Bab and Golan Ahmad Qadiyan, later one is advised to holds Ahmad and leave Akhiri. Similar fashions to bab taking Paraclitis In farse with rasian influence and British influence to Golam Ahmad of Qadiyan.
The final link with conspiracy with British Royals and Pope of Roman catholic by accepting latter's from Saud royal with support with Al  wahabs spirits and assurance of cooperations,
Zion conspiracy for Israel and their hidden sect in Ottoman the proclaimed prophetic missah of Sabbatan Zavi and followers Jews as under covered by Muslim identity as Donmeh and their connections together with Jews conspirator in palastain to Wahabi and Royal Sauds upholds a an important matters of cleansing of Prophet Muhammad's memories that seems a tendency of his work whether gradually fading or limiting not that on traditional memory on Abraham, an plot seems a new Prophetic attempts jointly by Qadiani, Saudi Royals, together with a new movement prior to any prophetic claim. See comments).


N.B Don't curse on personality.
N.B Muhammad ibn Abdul wahab later visit Basra for further knowledge and get purified out of this claims.
N.B. Wahabism doesn't includes doubtful as Salafi, Jahiri, Ahle Hadid.
N.B. Further to In Wahabism and Qadiyani from mirdhagans kitman of secrecy such a that your own soul existence doesn't knoe , what that they indicating, what is that? What such extreme secrecy.


At July 28, 2015 at 9:22 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Some other proclaiming such prophethood is considered non Muslim.

At August 24, 2015 at 11:57 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Eliminating The love to prophet or make Muslims mind ready for a new Religion or Influencial Religious sect.
By iliminating site that bears Loving Prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah's house of living destroying his walk paths, foot prints, gardens he sit and prays, his places of draws the shrines of walis and restriction to get closer or let them negligence or unimportant, even the prophet rauza , who is actually lying there, can see his Rausa or kiss him kiss his legs,
As Fatima bellal did, isn't it an attempt to let it lite to Muslim mind, not in love rather a hidden hate to his love to Sufi walis his sons ahlul bayet, cleaning field for a newer Muhammad, what about Jahiri, when you drive this physical signs of memory out of eyes, just keep in mind or some time imazine how it looks like, la jahira, why not this to prophet Abraham's memory sites ruining, ruin this then we can be sure that no new paraclitis Muhammad is coming (farkolit).

At August 24, 2015 at 12:42 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

What rise if you are in front of my eyes, take this with fresh heart, no negative logic,
What rise by prophetic site completely sights and the sites properly and complete open as it was and advised.
This isn't it a mental Power, ruining this is lower the status of prophet acceptance, and love spirit that can sacrifice even the life,
Targeting this power of mind is half destroy of a established faith, who is responsible criminal, what for this, what is the next agenda , the target heading for final half.
Think about your identitiy, this is unique beside your other earthly ideas of living scientifically. Its not shame of presenting your identity to others,
And your Sahih demand of Quoting scriptures subject to pocketing and hijacking faith.

At August 25, 2015 at 9:54 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

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At August 25, 2015 at 10:07 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

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At August 25, 2015 at 10:19 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Multiplicity of masiha Isa or mahdi Muhammad or Ahmad Muhammad rise from claim of Mirza Golam Ahmad Qadiany as his announcement as Second Muhammad.
And the follower of Qadiany is expecting Second Ahmad as there voice and on observation it seems third Muhammad.

The claim of Ahmad Muhammad big scale explored by wahaby Muhammad's, it is found that in their life time they saveral
time uttered prophetic claim of paraclitic Muhammad.

It also found there ancestor announcing Akhiri Nabi after Prophet Muhammad of first hijree. And there post comers as Mahdi or as Paraclitic Muhammad.

At August 25, 2015 at 10:54 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

As on scriptic narrations Massiah is only to one nafs insani rasul what ever he himself say about

Mahdi Muhammad in same way is to one nafs insani Imam what ever he himself say about

So, Masiah appeared to us As Isah ibn Marium (AS). and prophesied he will return from gybat where he right now alive a paralal heaven or world, to testify what wrongly attributed him and then he will go for normal death if Allah wants, coz he has been in occultation.

Samely Mahdi Muhammad ibn Abdullah, Al Qaim, and prophesied he will return from gybat where he right now alive a paralal heaven or world, to Qaim islam above all to Jameh all books of hevan and then he will go for normal death if Allah wants, coz he has been in occultation.

Some ones name can be Ahmad Muhammad or Muhammad Ahmad. Thus paraclitis Muhammad or Ahmad Muhammad is a holy designation to Rasul Allah (swt).

Same it may Question is he quest of Nabuat that no stage or station remain, His designation is Khatam Al Nabuwat.

Same way it may question is there any chain breaker of later placemented Nabi to come, His is Nabi la badi.

Same way it may question is there any Rasul pointing in center in all time, he is Imam Al Mursalin.

Same way it may question is there any Nabi pointing in center in all time, he is Sayyed Al Ambiyah.

Same way it may question is there any muttaqee pointing center in all time, He is Imam Al Muttaqeen.

Same way it may question is Quran is final and last Asmani Qitab, It is Akhiri Book of Heaven.

Same way it may question is he Rasul of Rab of Any universe , any world, He is Rasul Al Rab Al Alameen.

Same way it may question Isah wishes to meet Muhammad, and He is too, He is Imam Muhammad Al Mahdi Al Qaim, He is mirror of Nur Al Muhammad.

Same way it may question is Prophet Muhammad bistow blessings and Good news to having An Imam As Mahdi in Qaum or in Jamah or in Muslim nation, They are Mahdi Hanafyyah among Al Hanafyah, Mahdi Umar among Umaiya, samely Abbasid Mahdi, usmaniya mahdi, mahdi Sudan, mahdi Bangla.
It seems any break of fancy continuation or any remarkable standards on truth, or any fantastic revivalist, or any extreem patience
Savior, or any Patriotic moves or some critical turns to human civilizations, freedom, national unity an interest, or any intelligence move or infomatic and administrative reformations, or any intellectual reformations, international cooperations and balance or creating a new way of PND Global systems etc.
An important causes of entitiling an Imam or Respectfull leader, can be found , distortion of Khulafaye Rashedeen and Khulafaye Minhaj that rise Hanafyya, Abbasid Umar on balancing Qurba Al Ahlul Bayet.

Same way it may question of Imam as Mahdi among Shaee, It is possible that shai Muslim or 'Muslim no say on Imams dicision and Guidance' that complete flower of leader among other Muslim or a complete obedience.

N.B. wrongs to Isah Masiah that he testify that he is not son of God rather son of human, a noble women.
Isah will destroy Dajjal Masiah who will claim of Dajjal Massiah and Dajjal God.

At August 25, 2015 at 11:00 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

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At August 25, 2015 at 11:02 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

If any Muslim in doubtful Jamah or bears nonmuslim identity
Should check every matters regardless of present Muslim conditions rather love and attraction to truth that make mind free and prepare for this that and next world.
A tauba or rectification of self. And for the jamah a clear stand and announcements as Muslim following Tauba.

At August 25, 2015 at 9:02 PM , Blogger Unknown said...



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