Sunday, July 12, 2015

Are you threatened , cheated, tortured then must do

If you any sort harassed write Four copy of your complaign and the following offices
 - your nearest police station
 - your nearest police commissioner office
 - your city police metro police commissioner office
 - Head quarter of Police force
 - Armed force intelligence office public affairs cell
 - Military intelligence office separate Navy army air
 - Armed force Head quarter separate Navy, army, air.
 - office of priminister/ public affairs booth.
 - office of meaor of city corporation
 - office of district commitioner of administration
 - office of anti corruption
 - office of Human rights
 - office of Press clubs
 - office of local parlimenterian/ perliament secreteriate
 - office women and children anti-crime of govt
 - Human rights and legal support NGOs

Alfa charlee

we can not differentiate in Gamas things in in bias, but in Alfas its free
water rolled but fall to hole in eye, if you want causation of Satan its water Santana into you, being what more to watt, become bigger, king want other king , king mind on city, folks faints, hands paralized , I in you, come to neighbor, I'm the auctioner, I done you made.