Thursday, August 6, 2015

Bangal Bangus and Mangal Mangus

Bans to Political form in Bangus and Mans are Mangus
Bans to cultural form in Bangal and Mans are Mangal

Another explanation is long deep rooted.

Bans as Bangal are sea people and love to live close to sea, speacialy down flows of rivers, they are sea driver, and in believing faith they are sea riser and panic giving to others.

On the other hands Bans as Bangus are inland people they love to live lands surrounded by vast fields, they stay away from unknown sea. Rather they give panic by rising sands in fields, they live above source of rivers. Bangus are later evaluation origination into name mangals.

As history intuitive Bangus emerged as human in mongalia or inner Mongolia.and give genus subgenus to Korea China except province yunan Sinkiang, Myanmar, and later migration to shams Bramha chamni.

And very strange adventurous to Bangal origion human in delta island or land bays, starts Inner of south east Himalaya along bays and deltas of main rivers, Ganges , bramhaputra , Irrawaddy, Mekong , yangsi, yellow, goangzou, kamchatka as migration this are two pre and one post run. There are seem fifth run on south america along the south Pacific islands after migration cross sea to islands of Malay indonesia Australia kalimanta philipin that made by previous run. Japan migrant by the second pre run but some how remain abundant and then again by second post run which reach to today's mainland america before Mexico and gets tiny. The Mexico panama southern america is start migrants from second run and seems approaching to sixth run along south pacific. And Hawaii is migrated by japanies second pre runners.

Beside this there are some inland river side people like tibbet, like a less water attachments compare to Bangals of seas and riverine.

An strange happens at time of second run, some reason their float to cross sea wind flows turned other side and not manage to and then carried journey along sea shore by one float and a fast run by another float little deep, in some point fast runner remain chasing hard, and float close to shore miraculasly found a bay like region and Sattle their until slagakara got them kill them and some arrested and taken with them.
Other crazy floater got wind problem and find a channel but open, they carried until they got some people human like and all flew away watching there manish moves, then they found very tiny and close by land and stay two decades there, and again float by a king who actually born in Italy coz some reach there before but get caught by a prehuman people but very similar in nature and strong, then they start journey as prescribed by their fore runner to look what keeps other away from other side reach to black sea, that is nothing but. Huge sound of wind from circular spine up and down, last they made up to reach the shore and sattle the side of river coroh and spread along the region sourround by black sea and explore deep and later face other races of pro and protohuman, before conqour black sea they made a Sattle in Turkey mainland where other side threatened by protohuman more likely human but destroyed by conspiracies thus colerah.


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