Wednesday, August 26, 2015

We will see each other in heaven


At August 26, 2015 at 3:26 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At August 26, 2015 at 3:28 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

If Muslim is in peak of ideastic thoughts and religious system, and other heading eyes on them and interest focusing, like lower to higher, then a positive far sight and awareness comes to them, then how Muslim will get that opportunity.
There shia or share to concentrate coz among Muslim shaee Muslim are peak in following and practice Islam completely devotedly, like shia of Ali

At August 26, 2015 at 3:31 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Bada ba'dal Mauti then raja before death
Jannah badal màuti then jannah before final whisel
Naar basal maûti then naar before final whisel sijjin.

It is possible jannah in dûnîaya and nàar.

At August 26, 2015 at 3:32 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Personality DISORDER Terminology:

At August 26, 2015 at 3:34 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

An idea of Khilafat in sense of following that comes first from home people that mean self, then wife if married, brother, sister, parent, then out home, to neighbour, to friends , to relatives, then work place, then , mosque or community, then to social bodies, then , political attachments, then govt people, then Parliament personal, pm and president.

Then is it possible that we maintain the right chain consecutions, it may take life time of some one to establish khilafat all over.

An alternative idea time is short, some time professionalism comes for achieving a goal.
So what come first easier take that, other in subject to availability and schedule.

At August 26, 2015 at 4:15 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

As Saudi patronizing wahbies, or organizations to ahle hadith, Iran to shia/ safavidi sufi, but sunni, and hanafi/sufi once by Iraq, and befor turkey, at present Iraq is devided into ,shia, Kurd communist, and Salafi, so who will patron Sunni Hanafi,
It seems Bangladeshi organizations should come forward and patranizing sunnin hanafi social and political rise world wide.

At February 16, 2016 at 8:18 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Everybody born with jinn.
That is they subject to atmospheric influences and influenced by thander roar and strike, floods, earth quakes, cyclone, famine, chaos, etc that changes earth atmosphere or being guided and subject kill.

That is their brain signal carried by Zinn ( electron or any such radiative particles) which to very high level that rise hellusinations to leed to extreme satanity. ( so its said every human to satan, we know Adam expel from heaven together with satan , a zin origin form )

In today's world we see such brain trones brought electrical strikes in home electrical apliences, even sky roares that we are in such odd works or can think from a totally different domain.

But human shows concouqring such brain signals.
Their brain signal carried by angel (photon or such tranquative particals)

Such people free of being or doing atmospheric.
Rather a prime consciousness whether its also a nature so it influence the human course of actions that earthly changes occurs without detecting by electrical equipments.
It just like a consciousness of concoured mind that happening ( happenings ) harmonised ( by unknown ). Sometime we say this super natural outcome (Qaramat).
Such brain tranquil reach to a very high level that Leeds to very peacefully angelic.

Between etrons and photons a interim situation rise, where demanism deity goddess rise or muddy angels or floody angles rises.

Being hallucinating is the presence of a distorted brain transmissions , a Zinn, an incomplete world that leed to extremely parallel world , we call histeria , from a paranoid,
In reality that's not happened or strenuous in understanding in normal or extended preceptory.

Do we born with these or rather attain the different domain, only by its presence to reanalyze.

Being light people in being angelic.

At February 16, 2016 at 8:19 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Everybody born with jinn.
That is they subject to atmospheric influences and influenced by thander roar and strike, floods, earth quakes, cyclone, famine, chaos, etc that changes earth atmosphere or being guided and subject kill.

That is their brain signal carried by Zinn ( electron or any such radiative particles) which to very high level that rise hellusinations to leed to extreme satanity. ( so its said every human to satan, we know Adam expel from heaven together with satan , a zin origin form )

In today's world we see such brain trones brought electrical strikes in home electrical apliences, even sky roares that we are in such odd works or can think from a totally different domain.

But human shows concouqring such brain signals.
Their brain signal carried by angel (photon or such tranquative particals)

Such people free of being or doing atmospheric.
Rather a prime consciousness whether its also a nature so it influence the human course of actions that earthly changes occurs without detecting by electrical equipments.
It just like a consciousness of concoured mind that happening (happenings) harmonised (by unknown). Sometime we say this super natural outcome (Qaramat).
Such brain tranquil reach to a very high level that Leeds to very peacefully angelic.

Between etrons and photons a interim situation rise, where demanism deity goddess rise or muddy angels or floody angles rises.

Being hallucinating is the presence of a distorted brain transmissions , a Zinn, an incomplete world that leed to extremely parallel world , we call histeria , from a paranoid,
In reality that's not happened or strenuous in understanding in normal or extended preceptory.

Do we born with these or rather attain the different domain, only by its presence to reanalyze.

At February 16, 2016 at 8:20 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Life miserable by anti ego
If you do think that your mind innocent doesn't accept.
Rise of anti-ego in you. Its not good to your ego, rather it deceive.
It tries to kill you, the it suicidal in you.
You go doctor kobiraj
Take drug majuana
Life with alchohole, heroine, kokain

What that you taken fear in marriage with you.
Its growing you hybrid in you.

At February 16, 2016 at 8:24 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

"Sin taking"
Islamic explanations of verdicts.

Its the Crusifictions of Jesus by people of Jews.
Thus a great sin comes fro every one.
But Jesus took their sin with his pain.
Every soul thus subject to sin taken.

Now in Christianity there a general idea of act prompting.
Your mind set with continuous works down one after without thinking sin.its an general versions. But can every one do everythink. So in other version only selected people are sin taking by Jesus in heaven.

Now what the Islamic explanation on sin taking ( freedom of doing and free will )
In Islamic platforms sin taking exist such that it meet the general and selective.

In general perspective Islam differentiate the sin taking
By Guidlines or Sharyah that sin/free will in Amal with Intentions with supplications ( on starting and on compositions and on middle or zikr each time each rhythm)
So all that you have to know the Sharyah knowledge for doing.
Sin take doesn't mean you need not know the any prior knowledge for Duas on nature of work predestine or preset words.

Now what is Islam after Ilahyat who is All Director.
The All directors and only directors of every directions courses wants and commands to us to submit their will to Allah to take his directions. Thus taking Only Allah's will ie in each and every tasks thoughts words.
The will arrive in mind in the cleanest point that no Gyrullah rather will comes in heart from Arsh Muallah where He intends us to do beside our habitual and natural merged free wills.

Taking our free will from nafs ammara , ie whisper of Gyrullah is Shirk or pertnership in his sovereignty, and no forgiven ever.

So everything you do is willed and anythink can be willed,any think,
(coz actually nothing aside him even Satan is subject to given opportunity : everything to Ilahat : Good or bed)
All that you do knowing the sharyah

Now what's the sharyah say
-Task Accptence/obligation.
-intention making ( ridha and/or wasiala) with duas or supplications
-start with tawajjuh and tasmiyah
-duas in middle and zikr all the time ( optional)
-Keep mind with tawaqwul and Zihad fi sabi lillah.
-keep mind for super completions ( fine tasking)
-On Completion Tahmid
-Duas on Finishing.

So anything comes your mind or prompt you to do is same in Islam and Christianity

Prompting is not enough rather doing with joy delight and pleasure for God ( Ridha ). And God pleased if you follow his knowledge that x-reveled or y-reveled to you with trained from Imam or Shyekh.

In Selected people sins means priest people. The Quran issues the word "We". Where they are with Allah in his Rabubyat.

Its hate sin not the sinner ( in seperate sayings).

At February 16, 2016 at 8:25 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

"Sin taking"
Islamic explanations of verdicts.

Its the Crusifictions of Jesus by people of Jews.
Thus a great sin comes fro every one.
But Jesus took their sin with his pain.
Every soul thus subject to sin taken.

Now in Christianity there a general idea of act prompting.
Your mind set with continuous works down one after without thinking sin.its an general versions. But can every one do everythink. So in other version only selected people are sin taking by Jesus in heaven.

Now what the Islamic explanation on sin taking ( freedom of doing and free will )
In Islamic platforms sin taking exist such that it meet the general and selective.

In general perspective Islam differentiate the sin taking
By Guidlines or Sharyah that sin/free will in Amal with Intentions with supplications ( on starting and on compositions and on middle or zikr each time each rhythm)
So all that you have to know the Sharyah knowledge for doing.
Sin take doesn't mean you need not know the any prior knowledge for Duas on nature of work predestine or preset words.

Now what is Islam after Ilahyat who is All Director.
The All directors and only directors of every directions courses wants and commands to us to submit their will to Allah to take his directions. Thus taking Only Allah's will ie in each and every tasks thoughts words.
The will arrive in mind in the cleanest point that no Gyrullah rather will comes in heart from Arsh Muallah where He intends us to do beside our habitual and natural merged free wills.

Taking our free will from nafs ammara , ie whisper of Gyrullah is Shirk or pertnership in his sovereignty, and no forgiven ever.

So everything you do is willed and anythink can be willed,any think,
(coz actually nothing aside him even Satan is subject to given opportunity : everything to Ilahat : Good or bed)
All that you do knowing the sharyah

Now what's the sharyah set
-Task acceptance/obligations.
-intention making ( ridha and/or wasiala) with duas or supplications
-start with tawajjuh and tasmiyah
-duas in middle and zikr all the time ( optional)
-Keep mind with tawaqwul and Zihad fi sabi lillah.
-keep mind for best completions ( fine tasking).
-On Completions Tahmid
-Duas on completion and result.

So anything comes your mind or prompt you to do is same in Islam and Christianity

Prompting is not enough rather doing with joy delight and pleasure for God ( Ridha ). And God pleased if you follow his knowledge that x-reveled or y-reveled to you with trained from Imam or Shyekh.

In Selected people sins means priest people. The Quran issues the word "We". Where they are with Allah in his Rabubyat.

Its hate sin not the sinner ( in seperate sayings).

At February 16, 2016 at 8:26 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

" In Mind marriage "
The First door of Asmaul Husna from the creations.
All Soul gethers together before the second gate.
After the second gate open all soul enters but took two side either as their nature some slow to inter but take a side some very slagish that Allah himself Update them, before the Third game of Heaven.
When the Third Game of Heaven Come then this articles was once need to be done in future.

Types of Marriage :
- Bier Shathe ( Marriage with )
- Rong dhong Bia /Casual Marriage ( till we together )
[Most practice good for patient to become but being
social and business bonds.]
- Pitamatar Shathe /Permanent Marriage , earthly acknowledge
require is required, such a meet to smile at least. And some gift
ornaments or a kiss at bleeze. ( Izhar e Nikah )
- Gibrael Bie nen /Gabrials Marriage. Gabriel took marriage from the
associations to keep safe from sin. all that you do, believing Gabrial,
his arrival and took marriage with him, you are not subject to hasband
Or wife to any one.
- Melamesha Samajik /Mingle Marriage.
- Batichar /Free of Marriage.

* Bie Kori/ Marriage we do. We all hasbands.

As matter of facts,
The world of Akhira goes side by side. We can not stay two world together.
Rather we come the a special region of akhira. And we don't have hasar and nasr for the works and think we performs mentally with bodily engagements.

Akhirat is with Judgements
So destroy our akhira.
Amra amader Akhirat borbad kori. Smarter akhirat Shaje na, angel jara akhirat sajaye Tara boshe thake.

We get marry in dream , dream marriage, its not that , that destroy akhirat. Coz dream is not to judgements for its awareness taken or alter.

We see someone in dream, and look for such , or such match, one day we find someone or the same we say , and sattle marriage, it simple, not to spread. Its Mubashshirat or Pure dreams.

At February 16, 2016 at 8:27 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

How you now you are in two world stapped in
If you first in counter portrays of human image voices smell
Touch taste facial

Then you are breaking a relm for you its " Ghost layer "

Intake of it is Good health.

A difference is
If touch smell voices taste facial comes in in this layer rather in normal , but irregular then its a natural pocket encounter of happeipning of extended caugnitions.
( Sometime people hallucinates )

At February 16, 2016 at 8:28 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Dance swapping

In social functions.

What's the advantage?

Its solved so many unsolved and silent problems.
IRS builds social friendship.
Its rise teen spirit.
Its drives away evil eyes.
Its bring new experience
Its increase brain room and more curiosity to you.
Its brings new opprtunites to you
Its brings new deels

What disadvanges?
Its saying such may destroy the advantages.

Deny not if swap purpose by words.
Its religiously progressive.

At February 16, 2016 at 8:30 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

World getting over load.
Squeezing every moment our ever known world around.
Anger hate deceive doom

Who is weaker
Woman ?
Who will shelter , man?

Who is passionate

Or woman?


Then why not you taking other woman.

Jelious of someone

Man there?

In great man ship

Other woman find some thing, but he is not alone. With you.

Others have money wealth love , ornaments flats , don't want them?

How to make presence in couples life religiously.
If man is some how managed , accepted mind. Great.
But the woman doesn't want sharing. Then.

Take the massive therapy.

Attract her to you, offers jeweleries, money, fixed deposit, cars, dreesses, flats , yards.
Don't go, then win her heart on you, how
Be passionate to her.
Expend time with her, and let her roll in mind, such a amusing.

Nope, further try

Do khunsuti, adore, let her feel your body.

What if body there , being the partners , wives of a man, sharing same dream.

At February 16, 2016 at 8:32 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

"The right of Art"
"The right of worthing"
"Freedom of Producing"

Upon the right and freedom of humans, one side is human Bear body beauti exposury and erotica and sex arts as single as couple or unknown through carrier media of still picture and motion picture.

Discussion Beautiful exposit in picture and movie concern of Islamic law or nation or country.
These thing consider adulthoods that Shariyah for Adults and adux. ( ie Adult Sharyah )

We learned of Baituls of Administration for revenue and developments.
Among is "Baitul Simurih"
Finds social formatives in Islamic lands along the safe the line from "Fitna" such that doing outlets of activities without doing fitna.

Its heard that there were more 98 of such Baitul Hikmas was brained himself by Ali Maula and designed by group of com cities of sahabas.
Because of some reasons or disturbance this work later stately taken by Khalifas of Abbasid ( Khalifat of Ahle Byet ).

The present worked of producer performer and Audience are concern of such industry and its consumers.

Giving worth of something or ameture but actually complemented worth on makings can be arranged

The right actually to every thing
In business concern its to industry to industry people.
Or in cultural freedom its on freely arts.

The free art spent concern of Bus nines or monetary worth its just Beauti exposury. The beauti of mind in arts. This art can be anything to.
The Beautiful exposure of Human body take place.

Just check the timeline , how we learn our body organons , by self checking observing , and for other we other brave ask to show or peeps. It both to our old people or close people possibly friend or relatives.
Thus we learn body organs of self and other. It just necessity, but when we compare its come to arts. So other with to someone being bare to them even with more attractive beautification.

The worthing is being capability of trades.
We enjoys rights of materials trade even explicit.
So the trade is just come to market.
And you are part of certain industry.

At February 16, 2016 at 8:33 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Sex in Beaurcracy

Akhirat ne Duniyae.

Dek Arek Jon
Darbesh tar Onek Mon
Kamuk Mon
Dharma Mon
Ved Bakke Mon

Ekta Jodi desh Arekta e Jeher, Shesh Sorbonash.

Syam rakh,rojaye shin dhik, ja proyjon, dorkare lagater kor, shopta khanek poor iftar he.

Dekh tor Rojar Result ki, tor rojar Jannah Kebol Allah.
Ei jonno koy Wasila e Syam nafsya e Jannah Allahu Dunna.

At February 16, 2016 at 8:33 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Bideshi chor sex chaye
Deshi chor ki koye

At February 16, 2016 at 8:34 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

"The right of Art"
"The right of worthing"
"Freedom of Producing"

Upon the right and freedom of humans, one side is human Bear body beauti exposury and erotica and sex arts as single as couple or unknown through carrier media of still picture and motion picture.

Discussion Beautiful exposit in picture and movie concern of Islamic law or nation or country.
These thing consider adulthoods that Shariyah for Adults and adux. ( ie Adult Sharyah )

We learned of Baituls of Administration for revenue and developments.
Among is "Baitul Simurih"
Finds social formatives in Islamic lands along the safe the line from "Fitna" such that doing outlets of activities without doing fitna.

Its heard that there were more 98 of such Baitul Hikmas was brained himself by Ali Maula and designed by group of com cities of sahabas.
Because of some reasons or disturbance this work later stately taken by Khalifas of Abbasid ( Khalifat of Ahle Byet ).

The present worked of producer performer and Audience are concern of such industry and its consumers.

Giving worth of something or ameture but actually complemented worth on makings can be arranged

The right actually to every thing
In business concern its to industry to industry people.
Or in cultural freedom its on freely arts.

The free art spent concern of Bus nines or monetary worth its just Beauti exposury. The beauti of mind in arts. This art can be anything to.
The Beautiful exposure of Human body take place.

Just check the timeline , how we learn our body organons , by self checking observing , and for other we other brave ask to show or peeps. It both to our old people or close people possibly friend or relatives.
Thus we learn body organs of self and other. It just necessity, but when we compare its come to arts. So other with to someone being bare to them even with more attractive beautification.

The worthing is being capability of trades.
We enjoys rights of materials trade even explicit.
So the trade is just come to market.
And you are part of certain industry.

Are you industry people that should be and being proud to produce your identity even saying your life
So you need to be Worthing whether of being glad and/or being Market.

Taking market worth (Urfad).
Giving right of beauty exposury (Ursaf).

People can produce absolutely.
Market is the factors. The product to producing and creating attraction to beautification in forward erotics or backward tolerance , that someone poisonous (Naryah).

The works on adultscopes is practicing in stage arrangement as well in video graph static seating or live camera sitting.

The behaviors if audience is subject to sociologist and psychologist observation and prescription in organizes society.

Adultscope ( Junnuman).
Artist and performers:
Artist or performer who enjoys his work but give discouragement or tease his/her works to introducers or curious (Sinzuki).
Artist or performers who enjoys his work (if so) and ask the introducer or curious persons in social life of his/her works for encouragement (Sinzuri). A little campaign hides there.
It means some perform on curiosity and no goodwill produce other is opposite but may become non professional.

Suha dukha lethere play ( indi)
Ura vegetable play (individual)
Kabta extremely Play multi play
Saka 2 with multi play
Ruka 3 with multi play
Tuka 4 with multi play
Juka 6 with multi play
Duka 7 wit multi play
Hota 8 with multi play
Juha 9 with multi play


Husifa transgender lessbean]

At February 16, 2016 at 8:35 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Adult scope sectors::

Art side:
Vulgar queen

Sexcraft side:

Same side
By side
Toy fun

Table Hamping.
Pool floor
Live cam

The audience experience is to innocent experience of curiosity, nurval rise, frustrations, get together, amusements,

Beside some times the product that may create chaos or fitna in society but need to allow in some strick cases are on "ratwa".

Mental health of performs are on these agreements.
The social status are thus so, and punishable in any insult and abuse.
And their presence and role are of same balance making on situational, and subject to jurisprudence calculatable.

At February 16, 2016 at 8:36 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

"The right of Art"
"The right of worthing"
"Freedom of Producing"

Upon the right and freedom of humans, one side is human Bear body beauti exposury and erotica and sex arts as single as couple or unknown through carrier media of still picture and motion picture.

Discussion Beautiful exposit in picture and movie concern of Islamic law or nation or country.
These thing consider adulthoods that Shariyah for Adults and adux. ( ie Adult Sharyah )

We learned of Baituls of Administration for revenue and developments.
Among is "Baitul Simurih"
Finds social formatives in Islamic lands along the safe the line from "Fitna" such that doing outlets of activities without doing fitna.

Its heard that there were more 98 of such Baitul Hikmas was brained himself by Ali Maula and designed by group of com cities of sahabas.
Because of some reasons or disturbance this work later stately taken by Khalifas of Abbasid ( Khalifat of Ahle Byet ).

The present worked of producer performer and Audience are concern of such industry and its consumers.

Giving worth of something or ameture but actually complemented worth on makings can be arranged

The right actually to every thing
In business concern its to industry to industry people.
Or in cultural freedom its on freely arts.

The free art spent concern of Bus nines or monetary worth its just Beauti exposury. The beauti of mind in arts. This art can be anything to.
The Beautiful exposure of Human body take place.

Just check the timeline , how we learn our body organons , by self checking observing , and for other we other brave ask to show or peeps. It both to our old people or close people possibly friend or relatives.
Thus we learn body organs of self and other. It just necessity, but when we compare its come to arts. So other with to someone being bare to them even with more attractive beautification.

The worthing is being capability of trades.
We enjoys rights of materials trade even explicit.
So the trade is just come to market.
And you are part of certain industry.

Are you industry people that should be and being proud to produce your identity even saying your life
So you need to be Worthing whether of being glad and/or being Market.

Taking market worth (Urfad).
Giving right of beauty exposury (Ursaf).

People can produce absolutely.
Market is the factors. The product to producing and creating attraction to beautification in forward erotics or backward tolerance , that someone poisonous (Naryah).

The works on adultscopes is practicing in stage arrangement as well in video graph static seating or live camera sitting.

The behaviors if audience is subject to sociologist and psychologist observation and prescription in organizes society.

At February 16, 2016 at 8:36 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Adultscope ( Junnuman).
Artist and performers:
Artist or performer who enjoys his work but give discouragement or tease his/her works to introducers or curious (Sinzuki).
Artist or performers who enjoys his work (if so) and ask the introducer or curious persons in social life of his/her works for encouragement (Sinzuri). A little campaign hides there.
It means some perform on curiosity and no goodwill produce other is opposite but may become non professional.

Suha dukha lethere play ( indi)
Ura vegetable play (individual)
Kabta extremely Play multi play
Saka 2 with multi play
Ruka 3 with multi play
Tuka 4 with multi play
Juka 6 with multi play
Duka 7 wit multi play
Hota 8 with multi play
Juha 9 with multi play


Husifa transgender lessbean]

Adult scope sectors::

Art side:
Vulgar queen

Sexcraft side:

Same side
By side
Toy fun

Table Hamping.
Pool floor
Live cam

The audience experience is to innocent experience of curiosity, nurval rise, frustrations, get together, amusements,

Beside some times the product that may create chaos or fitna in society but need to allow in some strick cases are on "ratwa".

Mental health of performs are on these agreements.
The social status are thus so, and punishable in any insult and abuse.
And their presence and role are of same balance making on situational, and subject to jurisprudence calculatable.

At February 16, 2016 at 8:38 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Why these in changing society in changing situations.

Its question rise of we are ample in resources but constrains by economic theories with misleading scarecity,

So money matters, it matters from different sectors of international business and productions movements.

The Adult video and performance industry now of trillion dollars matters.

What your part in that transactions.

People do extreme matters that cross normal ability of consumption and cureability.

Its not that , this industry is for revival man woman from financial tightness or freedom or poverty margin servival.
It can not be said logical , that you do this if there no way but death stands before.

Its industry of art and competitions and rating.
Can you revive or worth here.

It need work on it, mental fruits that other will catch, not your poverty, every one is not same.
Art is not that rather irrespective of social response or reaction on its roots cause of drives.


At February 16, 2016 at 8:39 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

How you waiting for.
The government permissions or assistant in establishment.
But other started in their on way, in live show in cams, subsribtions to elected or elit erotizens.
Live stage performance or party shows, movie and videos, pictures, clips magazine's, beauty exposure.

And go beyond by rating heats through web and cellular subscriptions and transect money in lagage carrier.

Small make a while.

And why not you charity.
Poor have rights on riches wealth, the idea call Jakat muamalat.

That mean rich always takes others rights in economy.
So rich always in social pay to bodies it individuals that carries balance job or equality

At February 16, 2016 at 8:44 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

And this not applicable to individual economy or regions or country , rather applicable to global economy of bodies , societies , conglomerate , through out the world populations.

Unless other wise its said the world economy is in rights violations.

We are under unpaid global economic system to humanity.

The foundation on Beauty exposury.
Why not enjoy in innocence and being pay in innocence.
Labour or wealth its irrecpective on rights of others.

Beauteaze not rightease

Some Mandatory notes on previous posts

Sakat e Muasharat.
Its seen to the social elite or state beneficial whether their families or friends in availing the carnivals or special amusing get tougher that full of performances of artist that can not reach to rest huge social structures and the recidents. Specially seen in soviet society.
Where other are captive in name of socialism or communism.
So the idea of Sakad rise.
Its a world of imperfections and disaster.
So people need that , what they some how heard of.

Jakat mashkat
Its the spiritual rights of any enlighting attainments, that can produce, presents, and can be clarify explaining,
The sensitiveness of inner pressure of holly rising giving a right for getting free off too. Otherwise its just its natural presentations of happenings. And some case it can be better then any else.

Jakat Horb
What ever imperfect produces or engaged in nature through and better saying identify as horb that can be ommitted or better saying cut off, and never claim.
Actually dump on causes of sevbersiving

Zihad Sauta
Let them do and have joys in patience, it your zihad.

At February 16, 2016 at 8:45 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Husifa:My adorable darling
Very interesting and mindful presentations off naturerytms.

Its same side flirting. When affections are after the enlaringing the woman beauty.
Its same side flirting.

Why, its an beautiful present ion by giving them Harem attendee for wives of Sultans and other capables.
Why their flirting and beautifuscations keep them growing the attention to beauty them, that sultan remain good and healthy.

What their psychology, they each others attracted, Beauty in them facts, they do not feel attraction to man, aggressions become iceburgs, man crazyness and sexuality become minors.

Do they protect the harem, yes coz they spy on them and and other remain naturally protected from any distortions, as result they feel normal and tending suchnthebharem itself tending and an single attractions to its Man.

At February 16, 2016 at 8:48 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Lessbean butterfly: Husifa or Hujaifa
There's a story of an island where beautiful women finds them in love and of being together. There love stories taken placed to a poet works named by the island Laisbya
Actually love between them taken place and some erotic heaven where woman find each other more intimate.
They later leave , coz it not that they natural there, it just happened there, may of reasons. Poet find them together.

But now the term lessbean actual woman love maker.
Now question is it both side maker between woman. Or given as well.
The nature doesn't allow same entity in a single pole.
Is there a mingle zone end with the border line with transzender. Coz when pole shift then an opposite zender mind rise in woman and gradually take body atmost, till the transsexual zone come with a boundary. Between both zone there is a transgender zone , people who eagerly bear this, and imam
Purify them to check any sign of will of Allah recides, and become appearing as fitrat, Imam accepts Salek , who ever is who ever the sex or gender is, nafs ammara is not accepted to bear and please the gyrullah, rather its pleasure or Allah giving, coz he is presence , watching, hearing, knowing your insights, thus delighted by and enjoyed by, even Muslim man and women go beyond Ridha and take fana to Allah (Fanafillah in Ihsan Islam or religion of Malaika, thus human shift to angel) Crash to love in Allah, crashing own senses to him, ( hope in Wasilah Jannah Allah (Wasila Jannah Allahu Dunna).
Otherwise the Imam leave it to avoid Julum to them immediately.

At February 16, 2016 at 8:49 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Shafayat Generalized from everyone /testify
Everybody is important
Everyone's talk has to listen, from a passerby to an Adult content maker and his/her performers.

The story of Imam Jafar as that we know, who ever visited him, he request them for shafayat for him in Allah's Darbar , with humble and cry.

Woman seen is half of man. That means their responsibility is half , why not if they are double in risk taking from the world.
So woman word has to listen from a swapped to nude giver as well, who is some how sin maker.

At February 16, 2016 at 10:55 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

The articles doesn't intends to propagate and initiate any anarchy whether its more openings of sexuality inter dialogues and mingles or adultery through out in religious society or idealistic society.

Its actually encourage to the survivors and some grammatical matters to reorganized mind.

But what actual that's to write.

World is open going on and on, sex is and industry now.
Whether we like or not( actually , in or not)

Think about youth sexual meeting, suppose nikah , is jumar and nikah same,
Jumar is having delight from each other.
And in reality it may a mature boy of girl having very intimate secret time.

In Islamic studies on social structure Jumar though and final but
It subject to a better by replace tannur
That is mature man and woman should introduce each other such a way that knowing understanding and distance of safety completed.

Though we see in wester countries in School in universities. Or in films dramas
We see a premarital sexuality.

Though their society is structured healthy by their Masters.
And consider a way to make responsible family make ground or committed marriage, in youth early stage its considers risky free not. And it seems seen premarital sexuality part of life even among multiple partner in a week.

But in Islamic society doesn't want sexual penetraly mature, woman and man , or Boy and girl , on their nikah introducing or sitting,
Purity and chastity is a value.

The society can not kill the adoring love to virgin girl or woman by man, and same to man for woman, it takes stable society with stable relation with stable families.
Its a an on going mental freshness of strength of Being intake or nice package to someone where sex is necessary to introduce or time with age become reality of facts.

So our intention is on so. At the same time saving the accidental happening of the people of any society.

So its become an elaboration
Do we support OE allow such accidental or risky society for some people.

Though its said of that society is not error free.
But in true sense wit humanity , we are not experimental.
Otherwise first space visitor would be human.
Human life and breathe can not be part of error considerations.

But facts in counters to us in societies after an after need to place.

At February 16, 2016 at 11:05 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Its an world of mouth of the Bangla people special girl students or woman are sex abusing by friends classmate or room mates even same sides or to colleagues I their academic or part time work hours in different countries.

What they later become their.
Will they return or become the hot Burger on our lusty eyes over monitors.

Even its to Match maker facts become that

"Foreign shikkit biya journey name mailman"

Ar koi ken pore to bolir pitha am are koren

Tai korle bujjya koren, kisu hoye jainna mainna koiren, pore jhamela dey emon kotha shopneo koiyeen na.
Ar ohane key name thakle to key hoy.

Nijer gulare abar sherokom vabben na koilam.

"Shub kisu ki at shobai koy"
So intelligence should trace the students and their accommodations and living, other wise we gona say.
What good for you.

At February 17, 2016 at 10:29 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Night falls
Bed falls borns
Sports time
It mid night
The serial assets stand by
Hands of game come on
The valley of 20 golds
The kiss on the well touch me
Far beyond
Here over here

At February 17, 2016 at 10:31 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Are we safe !Muslims
Far to reach
Some where some one
Urge of save us to sus


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